Monday, January 4, 2010

First Monday--remembering to breath

Monday after holidays is a great test of resilience.  Kids pry themselves out of bed and rush back to school. Will they miss the bus?  Meetings and phone calls beckon, and let's not even talk about email.  Wow, what a great opportunity to breath.  My dear friend and colleague, Jill, reminds me that the difference between excitement and fear is one breath.  So, I breath and with each breath, renew my resilience and my excitement about what I look forward to.  And with each breath I find more energy to address what I need to in this moment.  For "this moment," the poet Rumi reminds us," is all there is."  I know, it seems so much easier to say these things when you are a Sufi master that lived in a very different time.  Yet, it's still true.  Every action, resolution, or step is taken moment by moment.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I remember the space inside me and I breath

Peg is a development director at a non profit in Seattle. This is a new role for her. On the phone today she talked about how she can get completely overwhelmed looking at her workplan. Then, she said, "I stopped." "What did you do?" I asked. "I remembered the space inside of me and I breathed." "I did it in the board meeting today too, just when I started to get nervous."

The Hubble telescope registered 13 new galaxies last week. Thirteen new to us. And they are billions of light years away. That means that when we look at them via NASA's website, we are looking at something that is billions of years old and that is also happengin now for us. Eckhart Tolle writes that we have more space within us than we realize. In fact we are 99% space--all that space between the atoms. Who knew?

So, when we tune to the space within us, we are tuning to something vast. This vastness is part of who we are. It's mind blowing! It's also a way to drop down into the vastness of our awareness. Breath into the space inside of you and tap into the quantum field of energy available to you.

And to see what that looks like go to the Hubble Site and watch the new galaxies unfold:

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


There's been a false separation over the last five hundred years or so, between head and heart, body and intellect, poetry and science, analysis and the arts. So much has this separation become the status quo that in the last 50 years or so there's been a growing movement to unify ourselves again. This is familiar to us through the body/mind/spirit movement. Truly were we ever less than whole? Most of us were born with a full or nearly full set of body parts and organs all functioning together. What would be different if we practiced arriving in our entirety to the lives we are creating?